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Ways to Donate

The San Anselmo Co-op Nursery School (SACNS) has served Ross Valley since 1947, and thrives with the continued support of our community. We would like to thank you for trusting us with your child(ren) for over 70 years. The cherished teachers and parents have worked together to creative a supportive atmosphere of collaboration and nurturing. To improve our school, we rely on the support of our generous donors. 
All donations to the school help fund projects not covered by the school budget. The most recent improvement is the new backyard in 2019! But there are many more projects we would like to have done. 


If you are a local business owner and would like to donate an item or a service to our fundraising efforts, please contact us. Consider donating gift certificates, gift bags, services or goods. With each item donated, please include the market value of the item, along with any marketing collateral, brochures, and relevant details. This will allow us to provide an accurate description for potential bidders. We truly appreciate any and all donations, every dollar counts!

The San Anselmo Cooperative Nursery School is a 501(c)(3) entity. Your donation is tax deductible to the extent allowed by law. 
San Anselmo Cooperative Nursery Tax ID: 94-610 3972

You can also make a cash donation directly to our school by clicking here.

Donations may be mailed or delivered to:
San Anselmo Cooperative Nursery School
Attn: Fundraising Chair
24 Myrtle Lane San Anselmo, CA 94960

Thank you for your support!​

San Anselmo Cooperative Nursery School 24 Myrtle Lane San Anselmo, CA 94960   
Tel: 1.415.454-5308   Email:

Contact Us

San Anselmo Cooperative Nursery School Inc. welcomes families of all races, colors, religions and national and ethnic origins without regard to sexual orientation, gender identity, or marital status.

© Copyright 2021

San Anselmo Cooperative Nursery School

License #210105114

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